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Advanced Encryption Standard - Block Cipher

class pcr.aes.AES[source]
static rotate(word)[source]

rotate a sequence of bytes eight bits to the left

static xor(a, b)[source]

bitwise xor on equal length bytearrays


Cipher Block Chaining Mode of Operation

class pcr.cbc.CBC(BlockCipher, iv)[source]
decrypt(data, key)[source]
encrypt(data, key)[source]
static xor(a, b)[source]


Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

class pcr.diffie_hellman.DiffieHellman(prime, generator, rand_max)[source]

HOTP (Two-Factor Authentication)

Time OTP implementation for 2-factor authentication

pcr.hotp.get_token(secret, i=None)[source]


Various mathematical function used in public key cryptography

pcr.maths.is_prime(n, k=64)[source]

Test whether n is prime using the probabilistic Miller-Rabin primality test. If n is composite, then this test will declare it to be probably prime with a probability of at most 4**-k.

To be on the safe side, a value of k=64 for integers up to 3072 bits is recommended (error probability = 2**-128). If the function is used for RSA or DSA, NIST recommends some values in FIPS PUB 186-3:


Do not use this function for small numbers.

pcr.maths.get_prime(bits, k=64)[source]

Return a random prime up to a certain length

This function uses random.SystemRandom.

pcr.maths.phi(n, p, q)[source]

Euler’s totient function for n which can be written as pq

This is the number of k in the range 0 <= k <= n where gcd(n, k) is = 1 or, in other words, the number of integers k <= n that are relatively prime to n.

pcr.maths.mult_inv(a, b)[source]

Calculate the multiplicative inverse a**-1 % b

This function works for n >= 5 where n is prime.

pcr.maths.make_rsa_keys(bits=2048, e=65537, k=64)[source]

Create RSA key pair

Returns n, e, d, where (n, e) is the public key and (n, e, d) is the private key (and k is the number of rounds used in the Miller-Rabin primality test).


Password based key-derivation function - PBKDF2

pcr.pbkdf2.pbkdf2(digestmod, password, salt, count, dk_length)[source]
PBKDF2, from PKCS #5 v2.0:
For proper usage, see NIST Special Publication 800-132:

The arguments for this function are:

a crypographic hash constructor, such as hashlib.sha256 which will be used as an argument to the hmac function. Note that the performance difference between sha1 and sha256 is not very big. New applications should choose sha256 or better.
The arbitrary-length password (passphrase) (bytes)
A bunch of random bytes, generated using a cryptographically strong random number generator (such as os.urandom()). NIST recommend the salt be _at least_ 128bits (16 bytes) long.
The iteration count. Set this value as large as you can tolerate. NIST recommend that the absolute minimum value be 1000. However, it should generally be in the range of tens of thousands, or however many cause about a half-second delay to the user.
The lenght of the desired key in bytes. This doesn’t need to be the same size as the hash functions digest size, but it makes sense to use a larger digest hash function if your key size is large.


PKCS7 Padding for Block Cipher Modes

pcr.pkcs7.pad(data, block_size)[source]
pcr.pkcs7.check_padding(data, block_size)[source]


RC4 stream cipher


RFC 3526

Groups for Diffie-Hellman as defined by RFC 3526

To get access to the 2048 bit group, for example, type:

>>> prime, generator = rfc3526.groups[2048]

See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526 for notes on usage.


XTEA block cipher (32 rounds)

pcr.xtea.encrypt(block, key)[source]
pcr.xtea.decrypt(block, key)[source]

Indices and tables

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